Have any of you seen Queen Latifah in the movie Last Holiday? It was an okay movie, but what really inspired me more than any of the scenes or acting was a prop in the movie. Queen Latifah’s character, Georgia, has a book that is a collection of all the things she wants to accomplish during her lifetime. She cuts out magazine pictures, glues her head on to the pictures, and then documents what the pictures show and what she wants to accomplish in the future. She calls it her “book of possibilities.” I loved this idea and ventured out to make one of my own.
I headed to Target to buy a scrapbook kit. I ended up buying this vintage kit for $24.99. It had everything I needed and looked perfect for what I wanted. I liked that it was vintage looking since I plan on having it the rest of my life.
Instead of tearing apart magazines to glue onto the pages, I instead went to stock.xchng, a free stock-photo website, and searched for photos that went along with what each of my goals were. For example, one of my goals is to have a family, so I found a picture of a pregnant woman’s belly and a picture of a few teenagers from the waist down. I tried to leave out any faces because I wanted the pictures to look like they could represent me and my future and not some random model.
It is my work in progress. It will probably always be a work in progress because there are so many things I want to do. When I continue to add on pages, I will use other styles of pages and fonts and disperse them in between the pages I already have done so it isn’t obvious that I used a kit and then bought extra pages. I also added a little white square in the corner of each page so I can check it off once I’ve completed it.
Here it is. I apologize for leaving the pages in the sleeves, but they are hard to get in and out and I didn’t want to wreck them. I made this almost a year ago and have so much more to add already!
The front cover – I still have to decorate this. Make me and you us
Turn a house into a home sweet home.
Grow into a family.
Attend church regularly.
Attend a Broadway Play (the text reads “Ever since I saw Wicked in Chicago, I knew I one day had to see a play or musical on Broadway in New York.”) Which I have realized is a lie because I’ve wanted to see a Broadway play since I was a little girl, but I am obsessed with Wicked and just had to throw that in here somehow.
Inspire someone.
Open a bookstore.
Travel this world (two pages): Ireland, Italy, Scotland, Greece, Australia. By the way, the cattle pictured for Scotland are called Scottish Highland Cattle which are the kind of cattle I’ve grown up with because my dad is obsessed with his Scottish heritage (remember Stewart Wallace my parent’s Scottish Terrier?).
And finally, Write a novel.
They say when you write down your goals you are much more likely to achieve them. Something about subconsciously seeking out ways to accomplish your goals because you have thought about them and made them real by writing them down. I wonder what they would say about scrapbooking them? I’m probably ten times more likely to accomplish them because I spent hours “writing” them down in a creative way.
This is such a fun project! I encourage you to create your own book of possibilities so you can always have your goals permanently written down somewhere you probably won’t lose and you will want to keep looking back at. Also, other people will see your goals and maybe they will open a door for you that you never knew existed. The ‘possibilites’ are endless! What do you think of this project? How did I do on my first time scrapbooking?

I think this is a great idea, and you did a fabulous job putting your “book of possibilities” together :-) I bet you really are more likely to achieve goals that you actually write out — I think seeing them written in front of you makes them more real, as opposed to just being dreams. Good luck achieving all your possibilities!!
You’re right about my kitchen backsplash — the tiles DO look like vanilla ice cream an chocolate syrup melted & swirled together!! Yummy!!
I think you put your goals in a concrete format and that will make it easier to attain them. It looks like it is fun to look at too. Other people also get to enjoy your book so makes for good conversation and who knows what you will gain from that. Good job!
I wanted to create a Book Of Possibilites and seeing your just inspired me to make mine! Yours is truly amazing and the detail I love. Thanks to you I am going to start mine tomorrow. Thanks!
[...] I Love Lamp…Er, I Mean Ladder Posted by Sarah on April 12th, 2010 We all have things we have treasured and adored since we were children. My childhood came at a time when there was an explosion of Disney cartoon movies of classic stories like Cinderella and Snow White. One of my longstanding obsessions, and one I think many people find themselves obsessed with or mildly addicted to from time to time are ladders. I don’t mean ladders like carpenters use, but sliding ladders like the one Belle used in the library where she spent lots of her time in the great Disney classic, Beauty and the Beast. I have been smitten with them ever since seeing them in the movie. They are not the most practical items for indoor decorating, especially in a home full of children, so I have a feeling this post of inspiration pictures is as close as I am going to get to having a sliding ladder of my own, unless I open up a bookstore which is one of my dreams to do. [...]