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Revamping Recipes: Let Your Guard Down

This week, I didn’t feel like searching for a recipe and shopping for more groceries when I had lots of canned foods that I wanted to use up.  I decided to just throw some ingredients together for my weekly meal instead of planning something strategically.  I didn’t go too crazy (mainly because the mix of things I had would be far beyond crazy and moving into disgusting) so I just took some basic foods, combined them, and ate up.

Here is what I began with:

DSCN4520 I used the rest of my egg noodles with a can of Italian style diced tomatoes (with basil, garlic, and oregano) and then mixed it with a can of tuna, some olive oil, and a bit of salt and pepper.  It was really easy and very delicious without requiring too much thought or planning.  This is how I like to cook.  With a more extensive stock of foods, I could make some pretty interesting concoctions, but what I keep on hand are mostly the basics because I have such a limited budget and am only cooking for one.  I can’t wait for the day when I can really let my creativity flow and throw whatever catches my eye into the pot.

Here is the final result: DSCN4540 DSCN4541 It really was delicious, but I can’t say that it was very authentic.  Oh well, I have a lot going on this week at school, so I wanted a dish that would relax me, not make me more stressed out.  Mission accomplished, and I filled my belly in the process.

So, tell me, what’s the coolest combination of flavors you have come up with on a whim?  How often do you cook without a recipe?

This post is a part of Tasty Tuesday at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam.

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2 comments to Revamping Recipes: Let Your Guard Down

  • I often cook this way, sometimes it is yummy….ham and noodles in an apple -y sauce. Sometimes it is horrid – ham loaf blech. but it is always an adventure!

  • Valerie

    I have to say that I don’t really cook without a recipe. I think it is great if you can do this. Most chefs cook this way inventing new recipes. I just look at recipes and decide if I would like it or not. Good for you!
    It looks like your experiment was a success the food looks good!

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