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3 Ways To Keep The Holiday Warmth During the New Year

I don’t know about you, but I find packing up all of the holiday decorations sad.  It is hard for me to let go of the happiness and warmth that comes along with Christmas decor.  I have come up with three simple ways to remedy this sadness by finding ways to keep the warmth of the holiday season to signify that winter is still here without any Santa, snowmen, or garland decorations looming after they’ve worn out their welcome.

DSC_02021. Keep the scents of the holiday seasons diffusing through your home.  I have heard that smells trigger memory better than anything else.  Nothing says warmth and winter more for me than the scents of pumpkin pie spice, warm vanilla, cinnamon, and cranberry.  Many times the smell of your house can contribute to the overall “feel” just as much as the design scheme.  If you want your home to feel cozy, warm, and wintery, keep your favorite scents in the house until spring emerges.  You can bake cookies from time to time to keep the smell going or light some candles.  I think this can really add to

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I Thought I Saw Fall Here, But It Left

Let me start this fairly negative, fairly lighthearted post by saying that I like to stay up a little later on the weekends (to about midnight) and it is very hard for me to sleep past eight in the morning because that is already an hour later than I normally get up during the week. My body has a well-oiled sleep cycle that doesn’t like to get tampered with. Well, last night I woke up to the most painful screeching sound I’ve ever heard. It was our fire alarm. Not my apartment’s fire alarm, but the whole building’s. When you hear it your first instinct is to jump out the window half because of your groggy sleepy brain but half because it hurts that bad to listen to. I threw on some warm clothes and my roommate and I ran out of the building. It was four in the morning.

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Toggle It Up!

A few weeks ago I was at Delias and saw an amazing toggle coat and fell in love. I know I should not get attached to material objects, but this one was so perfect and so me. I kept thinking about it and started searching online for a cheaper one. I found a bunch of options and love them all (even though some are way more expensive than the one I fell in love with). Aren’t they great?

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