Posted by
Sarah on
November 3rd, 2009
Looking for some super cute artwork? I found this great tutorial at Living With Lindsay. She seriously has some of the best tutorials. I want to recreate everything she does! I loved this project so much that I pretty much recreated it with dollar store frames and all. I have not put any paper behind them yet, but may in the future. I also would like to cut out some of my green polka-dotted fabric to make leaves. Here is the project from start to finish:

Continue reading Getting My Craft On – One Flower At A Time
Posted by
Sarah on
September 3rd, 2009
I have decided to make every Thursday “Thankful Thursday.” It will be a time when I reflect on something I am thankful for. This Thursday I would like to write about how thankful I am to be surrounded by such beauty. Seriously, could the natural world be a more beautiful place? I’m from Minnesota, so we see it all here. I know what a real winter looks like, and I try to find beauty in that (it only last until Christmas and then the beauty is gone in my eyes, which is pessimistic I know). But summer is so incredibly beautiful, so beautiful, I think, that sometimes we take it for granted. It’s like getting used to a beautiful painting in your home. You walk by it enough and you kind of forget its there or how wonderful it is. Think of how many times you never even see the sky – one of the most beautiful backdrops there is. It’s a shame really. I try my hardest to always recognize the beautiful world surrounding me and remind myself to thank God for creating such a beautiful world. As much as I love architecture and houses, sometimes it saddens me how so much beauty is lost when towns and cities are created. Sure, someone can recreate nature, but real, raw nature is beautiful, too. The world is not a perfectly manicured place. I usually prefer imperfection over perfection, anyway. So, thank you God for giving us such a beautiful place to spend each and every day of our lives in and for helping us to recognize it at least every once in a
Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Look Around You

Love For You